Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Difference Between Shooting a Bullet & Throwing IT

Welcome to the FindMyWebPage blog. We will post tips on getting more organic traffic for your website using Website Optimization techniques. FindMyWebPage is an Internet marketing firm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with a focus on increasing user experience through effective web design and marketing. As this is sort of a FAQ blog, all questions are welcome.

Our current clients come from all over Canada, and have engaged us to increase the amount of business they see through their website. Our approach is simple, gives people what they want and they will come back.

Here is an outline of our approach.


Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Mint, or the up and coming Re-Invigorate are the key to building a successful website. After just a few weeks of collecting data we will start to form an idea of why people come to your site and what they do once they are there.

2. Domain Strategy

It is vital to secure multiple domains using your products and brands as well as a few keyword domains. We often create landing pages that funnel the traffic into your main site.
E.g. also uses (landing page coming in june 07)

3. Website Optimization

This is the biggie. Our FindMyWebPage service focuses on Website Optimization. It can include changes to the CSS, main menu, adding calls to action and next steps, changing your stactic jpg map on your contact page to a interactive Google API map and of course applying a Keyword Strategy to your Meta Tags and content. A few other common functions of Wite Optimization are resizing your images to increase your loading speed, or upgrading the quality of your images for a better quality feel to the site.

Here is a prime example of a completed site that focuses on Construction Jobs.

4. Marketing & Advertising

Once we have completed the first 3 steps we will move onto marketing your optimized site to directories and search engines on the internet. Our FindMyAdOnline service will manage your Online Advertising and advise you on the best approach for achieving your goals. We recommend Google's Adword Program to our clients. Our packages include your keyword research, Text ads, Graphic Ads and daily management of the account. On average our clients spend $1000/month for 1000 targeted exposures of the website.

5. Email Marketing

Now that your are making full use of your web space and starting to increase your overall activity on your website it is time to start collecting names and email address of potential and current clients. Our FindMyClient service will manage this process for you including designing your email newsletters and managing your data base. A good email marketing campaign along with an Optimized site to take advantage of the increased traffic is how we will take your online presence to a new level!

As time goes on I look forward to answering any questions and providing insight into the internet and it's endless advantages.

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