Monday, October 1, 2007

Marketing Your Business Online

A recent survey of small business owners tells us that business owners rank the internet and their web page up there with the yellow pages ads in importance to their marketing efforts. What is surprising about the survey is it also tells us that they do not value on-line advertising in the same way as their website. Often many small business owners see on-line advertising in a similar light to T.V. and Radio advertising, it is only for the big guys. This co-insides with my experience as well. More often than not I meet small business owners who believe that on-line advertising is out of their reach.

One of my favorite parts of my job is showing them that we can get them up and running with relevant, targeted on-line ads for less than the cost of a single newspaper ads for one day. Often times business owners shy away from on-line advertising because of a lack of knowledge. Once equipped with that knowledge they quickly discover the value that a program like Google Adwords can bring to there marketing efforts.

As an example I recently made a cold call to a local radio station here in Calgary, I asked the polite gentleman on the phone what it would cost me to get a basic ad on the AM station. The answer was approx. $4000. I was impressed, I honestly expected it to cost more. In comparison to on-line advertising I could take the $4000 and turn that into 3 months of effective online advertising, including well written graphic, and text ads for the client.

If you have been wondering about on-line advertising I would look forward to taking the time to discuss it with you.


John Wheeler

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