Monday, October 29, 2007

Software That Writes Itsself!

Intentional Software, started by Charles Simonyi will release it's first version of self writing software this year. After reading about this in Business 2.0 I had to learn more. My first question was why haven't I heard about this before, it makes a whole bunch of sense to me, Software written by software, for software.

After visiting Intentional Software's website and reading up on this mind boggling idea of self writing software, I decided to visit Charles private website ( chronicling his adventures, like his trip to the International Space Station in April of 2007. What an amazing Guy, I have read a few stories about the Godfather of Windows and Office, but I failed to realize what an amazing story this man has to tell.

From a marketing perspective I was disappointed in the Keywords strategy of both the Intentional Software and Charles personal site, for different reasons. A simple straight forward site the reads well, if you are interested in the subject of self writing software. There is a Meta description field, but that is all. If meta fields were added and populated properly with meta info relevant to each page, it would attract two or three times the current search traffic. A very cool flash site, which is also my biggest problem, flash is great for page accents like headers, but when it is used for an entire website, there is no content for Search Engines to index, thus making it difficult to appear for search terms other that the name of the website.


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